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The capital feature of this website, but the one you probably didn't come for, is a Turkish-to-English translator. Owing to limitations explained elsewhere, it is set up as a Turkish grammar illustrator: you give it a grammatically correct sentence drawing on a limited vocabulary, and it shows you, in color, what the words mean and then where they must go to add up to an intelligible English sentence. As a tutorial if not a tercüman, I think you'll find it useful, and I believe it does (just) qualify as "Turkish translation software." I invite you to open the translator itself, as well as the sample sentences and a glossary. (I used to have a single open-em-all link but it just wouldn't work with today's modern "security" interlocks. Well, now I present them with singly-dedicated links. For tutorial purposes, you really will need at least the sample sentences.)

Tenuously "Altaic," and derived from the programming brought to bear above, I offer a couple of other things:

  • A Turkish "data-mining" program in barebones prototype form. I programmed this almost immediately after the flagship presentation, and had high hopes for it, then quickly dropped it, even though it does work as far as such things go. Which is of course not very far at all. A machine can't guess what you think data means. That's up to you.
  • Code snippets that might be useful for someone seeking to decode Turkic languages written in Cyrillic, chiefly Kazakh, but easily adapted to Turkmen and Uzbek. I'd guess. Wildly.

Unrelated to Turkish, not Altaic at all in fact but still on the linguistic theme, are:

If, on the other hand, you came for information on every state in Brazil, bicycling to Canada, Portugal qua Europe, a botanical expedition in São Tomé e Príncipe, a molecular fossil hunt via Maputo, Slovenia by bicycle, Slovenia on foot, Turkey and its neighbors, Mexico and the Ukraine just barely, or three decades of American bicycle rides, click here.

And finally, and with some misgivings, the miscellany - now in two flavors, biochemical and agronomic - I believe one must come to expect from websites. Like to avoid that please-tour-my-brain stuff. On the other hand, I've GOT a domain - even at just $6.95 a month, why should I pay for another?

And finally (OK, Kuiper-Belt-finally, not Pluto-finally), things that don't fit anywhere at all in "Machine Altaica:"

  • a matrix math utility. I wrote it in connection with my own recent studies of quantum computing. It may help yours. Anyone who programs computers writes lots of little in-house utilities. I'm kicking this one out the door only because I find surprisingly few such things available online. Over those which I have seen, this one offers a fairly significant advantage: there is no row- or column-number specification. An equally significant shortcoming may be that my machinery fails to provide suitable error feedback. All exceptions are caught - that is not hard to arrange - but whether you are told what you did wrong and how you might put it right are, at the moment, uncertain. My advice to anybody: do everything right the first time. Because in the quantum world, doing anything at all is never forgotten or forgiven. (Unless your commutator is zero. I think you're OK then.)

    Late add-on: want a standalone version of this calculator? Go here.

  • a demo of functional programming. As with utilities, so with test-beds: programmers make 'em all the time. This thing won't help you do anything, but something as hypothetical as "FP" couldn't suffer for having somebody having actually built something according to its principles - and in a language not at all tailored for it.

  • a brief homage to a biology teacher

  • a self-defense, should I ever become a beleaguered alumnus

Annnnnd...bug reports. Or, shortcoming discussions - I think only once has a "bug" been "reported" to me.

All prose and programming © 2008 J.A.Hutter, except where otherwise indicated.